Sunday, July 12, 2009



I was visiting my Grandmother and she turned on animal planet, what I saw on this program deeply touched my heart, I could feel tears coming as I watched in amazment as a lioness and a little baby oryx layed side by side.
An oryx as you can see in the picture is like a little lamb or little dear.
The Lioness loves this Oryx like her own cub, and the baby Oryx has shown no fear whatsoever of this Lioness and appears to love her as a Mother and has even tried to nurse her....
Lions live in Prides where there are one or two male lions and several females, this Lioness, who the African people have named
Kamuniak, it means the blessed one, she is a solitary lioness, and nobody knows where she has come from....
Everytime the baby oryx gets up to walk about, the lioness also gets up and follows the baby oryx,trying to protect the baby oryx....
We know when Yeshua returns to the earth he will reign and heal the waters and the earth and restore it to its former glory
The Lion will lie down with the lamb
And if a young child sticks his hand in a cobra's hole, the cobra will not harm the child
A person will be able to plant a seed and it will come up overnight.
We know Yeshua has not returned to the earth yet, and we have to watch out because many false "christ" will arise to deceive many, even bring false peace and performing "signs and wonders" miracles to get people to follow after them.
Yeshua is God and God Is Love And He Alone is the only True Way
When Yeshua Returns the whole entire earth will know it....AMEN!!!!
But this story blessed me so much, because so many people question God's word, for instance the "silly scientist say: well there is an explanation about the parting of the Red Sea, the Red sea was possibly at that time, very shallow, so therefore, a strong wind may have blown to cause it to part, lol, I truly have heard this....
Well, I would like for them to explain why soooo many chariots and horsemen disapeared in this so called shallow sea, when it closed back up again, after the children of Israel were safe on the other side????
It just seemed impossible for a hungry ferocious predator born in the wilds of Africa, to have such a loving peaceful heart towards what would naturally be its prey!
And Kamuniak was hungry, very hungry, she refused to eat for fear that if she went to hunt, that other predators would find the baby oryx.
Even when some people became very concerned about Kamuniak not eating and they threw to her some raw meat, she would not eat but stayed close to the baby oryx to protect it
Perhaps God was blessing us with a little glimpse of what it will truly be like when the King of all Kings
The King Of The Universe
Returns to take over what has been His all along

WHAT A WONDER!!!!!!!!!

WHAT A WONDER!!!!!!!!!


So much wonder Carved in your coral seas So much wonder Shaded by ancient trees I consider all that your hands have made Every newborn’s eyes, every new sunrise No power can tame your presence No light can match your radiance
Such a wonder Ordering time and tide Such a wonder Bridging the great divide I consider all that you had, all you gave And all that you endured From this rebel world What a wondrous cross you chose to bear What a wonder you would even care
No power can tame your presence No light can match your radiance Such a wonder... Such a wonder...

The Story Of The Candy Cane!

The Story Of The Candy Cane!

The Story of the Candy Cane
Legend has it that in the 18th Century somewhere in Europe any public display of Christianity was forbidden. No crosses or Bibles were allowed and the Christians were greatly oppressed. One old man, a candy maker by profession, was particularly distressed by this. He loved the Lord with all of his heart and couldn't stand to not share that love with the world. His heart especially went out to the children when Christmas drew near and no one was allowed to have a nativity scene (or crèche`) on display in their homes. He prayed for God to show him some way to make Christmas gifts for the children which would teach them the story of Christ.
The answer was the candy cane. The candy cane was in the shape of a shepherd"s staff to show them Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His flock. A sheep follows his own shepherd, knows his voice, and trusts him and knows that he is totally safe with him. The sheep will follow no other shepherd but their own. This is how we are to be with Jesus if we truly follow Him ( John 10:11; Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 40:11) Upside down the candy cane was a "J", the first letter of Jesus' name. ( Luke 1:31) It was made of hard candy to remind us that Christ is the rock of our salvation. The wide red stripes on the candy cane were to represent the blood He shed on the cross for each one of us so that we can have eternal life through Him. He redeems us and cleanses us with His shed blood - the only thing that can wash away our sin. ( Luke 22:20) . The white stripes on a candy cane represented the virgin birth, sinless life and purity of our Lord. He is the only human being who ever lived on this earth who never committed a single sin. Even though He was tempted just as we are, He never sinned. ( I Peter: 22) The three narrow red stripes on candy canes symbolized that by His stripes, or wounds, we are healed and the Trinity - the Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. Before the crucifixion Jesus was beaten; the crown of thorns was placed on His head; His back was raw from the whip. We are healed by those wounds. He bore our sorrows and by His stripes we are healed. ( Isaiah 53:3) The flavoring in the candy cane was peppermint, which is similar to hyssop. Hyssop is of the mint family and was used in Old Testament times for purification and sacrifice just as Jesus sacrificed His life for ours. ( John 19:29; Psalm 51:7) The old candy maker told them that when we break our candy cane it reminds us that Jesus' body was broken for us. When we have communion it is a reminder of what He did for us. ( I Cor. 11:24) If we share our candy cane and give some to someone else in love because we want to, it represents that same love of Jesus because He is to be shared with one another in love. ( I John 4:7,8) God gave Himself to us when He sent Jesus. He loved us so much He wants us to spend eternal life with Him... which we can do if we accept Jesus in our hearts as Savior and Lord. ( John 1:12; John 3:3,16) Some people believe this story of the candy cane is just a legend. Others believe it really happened. We do not know for sure exactly how the candy cane was invented, but there is one thing for certain... it is an excellent picture of Christ and His love for you. p.s. this page has been borrowed from a friend.
Merry Christmas!

WOW! What in the World Is This????

WOW! What in the World Is This????

This fascinating creature was discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia on the bottom of a muddy river mouth. For the next 2 years, scientists filmed nine different mimic octopuses, Thaumoctopus mimicus (Norman & Hochberg, 2005), impersonating sea snakes, lionfish, and flatfish—a strategy used to avoid predators. The mimic octopus reaches about 60 cm long, and is typically brown and white striped. The mimic octopus has been observed shifting between impersonations as it crosses the ocean floor to return to its burrow. Scientists speculate that additional mimic species will be found in muddy river and estuary bottoms in the tropics as these areas are typically unexplored. All octopus species are highly intelligent and change the color and texture of their skin for camouflage to avoid predators. Until the mimic octopus was discovered, however, the remarkable ability to impersonate another animal had never been observed. Norman and fellow researchers, Julian Finn of the University of Tasmania in Australia and Tom Tregenza of the University of Leeds in England, describe the mimic octopus in the September 7th issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Although mimicry is a common survival strategy in nature, certain flies assume the black and yellow stripes of bees as a warning to potential predators, the mimic octopus is the first known species to take on the characteristics of multiple species. The creatures they mimic include: » Sole fish: This flat, poisonous fish is imitated by the mimic octopus by building up speed through jet propulsion as it draws all of its arms together into a leaf-shaped wedge as it undulates in the manner of a swimming flat fish. » Lion fish: To mimic the lion fish, the octopus hovers above the ocean floor with its arms spread wide, trailing from its body to take on the appearance of the lion fish's poisonous fins. » Sea snakes: The mimic octopus changes color taking on the yellow and black bands of the toxic sea snake as it waves 2 arms in opposite directions in the motion of two sea snakes. Scientists believe this creature may also impersonate sand anemones, stingrays, mantis shrimp and even jellyfish. This animal is so intelligent that it is able to discern which dangerous sea creature to impersonate that will present the greatest threat to its current possible predator. For example, scientists observed that when the octopus was attacked by territorial damselfishes, it mimicked the banded sea snake, a known predator of damselfishes. World Range & Habitat Indo-pacific (Sulawesi and Bali in Indonesia), muddy estuary bottoms in the tropics. Wow, this creature is also Amazing: Things in Nature Always remind me of God of course. This creature reminds me of what God said in the Holy Bible:Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will....
We can give into all the sight, sounds, senses and pressures of the world allowing ourselves to be molded into it's image:
Or we can choose to surrender and yield ourselves over to the Holy Spirit of God so we can be Transformed into the Image of Yeshua, Jesus Christ: 2 Corinthians 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who Is The Spirit
This could never be done by human goodness alone, but only through Jesus, and His goodness, can this be accomplished and yielding to God's love and truth and Spirit through Yeshua and God's Holy Word, and obeying the truth: So the Worthy one gets all of the credit, not us humans, for we are weak but he is strong, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness: Thank God! He Loves Us! And He who could design a creature like this, surely he can cause us to be molded into the Image of Yeshua for His Glory in
this world: Amen!!!!

A Small Jewish Community In India

A Small Jewish Community In India

A dying community of Cochini Jews takes pride being Indian India, is also a home to a small Jewish community. In Kochi, the Jewish despite getting reduced to just 51, take pride in being a part of the country on it's 61st Independence Day. The earliest known Jews are believed to have arrived in the Kerala’s coastal town of Cochin (presently called Kochi) over two-and-a-half millenniums ago. Their ancestors were given a good treatment to make them feel at home by the then rulers, which made them stay back in Cochin. They are today known as Cochini Jews.With the passage of time, many of the young Jews left for the United States or Israel, in search of better pastures. Of the 51 Jews in Cochin, only twenty to twenty are here at present. Others are abroad for various personal reasons. The ones left behind are elderly, most of them above 70 years of age. The Jews here find it difficult to organise functions, as it is mandatory to have at least 10 people to organise any ceremony as per Jews’ customs. Alias Josephai, who runs a nursery in the Kadvumbhagam Synagogue in Ernakulam, admits that they have always been respected in all fields and received same treatment as others.He says: “India is my country and it is beautiful in all sense. Majority of the youth want to leave this place or have already left for Israel for higher studies or for career. But I am not, as I was born here. I am accustomed to the local tradition and culture. If I go anywhere, I will have to start it again from the beginning.” He adds that the Kerala government has given them many privileges apart from various quotas in medical and engineering institutes. The State government has given the Jews community reservation in every medical and engineering college with at least one seat. Besides, the State government does not conduct any public exam on Saturday as it is “Sabbath”, the holy day of Jews. The Government has also issued the voter identity card to them. Jews are a religious minority in the country. Judaism was one of the first foreign religions to have arrived in India and assimilated with local traditions through cultural diffusion. Of the total Jewish population in India, about half live in Mizoram and a quarter live in the city of Mumbai.Jews have held important positions under Indian princes in the past and even after independence from British Rule, they have risen to very high positions in government, military and industry.The Cochini Jews arrived in India 2,500 years ago and settled down in Cochin, Kerala as traders. The Bene Israel arrived in Maharashtra 2,100 years ago. The Baghdadi Jews arrived in Mumbai from Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, and Arab countries about 250 years ago. The Bnei Menashe are Mizo and Kuki tribesmen in Manipur and Mizoram who claim descent from the tribe of Menasseh. The Bene Ephraim (also called Telugu Jews) is a small group who speak Telugu.